Women Health Care in Dubai

break the taboos!

Empowering Women’s Health with Dr. Mozhgan Sayyad Obstetrician Gynecologist

Let’s work together to bring back joy to your intimacy!

My passion is empowering women’s health and advocating for women’s right to access quality healthcare and have full control over their own health and well-being.

I firmly believe that every woman should have access to quality healthcare and the freedom to make informed decisions about her own body, which is why I am dedicated to creating a brighter, healthier future where all women are empowered to live their best lives.

Dr. Mozhgan Sayyad

What is the definition of women’s Health?

Education, screenings, and regular check-ups can assist with early detection, prevention, and a better quality of life. Some of the most common health issues that women battle includes breast cancer, cervical cancer, infections and cardiovascular disease.

Our goal is to provide a comprehensive healthcare solution that addresses the most important aspects of holistic women’s health care.

Women's Health
Services Offered

Vulvar disease treatments Non-Surgical/Surgical :

Vulva Aesthetic and functional surgery

Surgical vaginal Procedures

Effective Non-Surgical Vaginal procedures

Cervical surgical and Non surgical Treatments

Uterine disease Surgical/Non-Surgical treatments

Ovarian Disorders Surgical/Non-Surgical treatments


Women’s Health Annual Check-ups:

Cancer screenings/infection Screenings/

Genetic Screening/Bone densitometry

Menopause/Bio-identical  therapy

Female dysfunctions, orgasmic problems and painful intercourse

What makes Mozghan Sayyad truly stand out in women’s healthcare?

Services Offered

Gynecology services





Vulva Non-Surgical

Lichen Sclerosis


Vulva Ulcerative and


Precancerous & Dysplasia

Infectious lesions

Vulva Surgical

Bartholin Gland Cyst labiaplasty

Female Genital Mutilation

Reconstructive Surgery


Bartholin Gland Abscess


Excisional surgical terament

for vulvar lesions

Vulva Aesthetic &
Functional Surgery


Trim method

Wedge method

Combined methods

Labia Majoraplasty

Saggy skin treatment


Female genital mutilation

Categorty I – IV

Reconstructive surgery

Clitoral fold correction

Clitoral fold correction

Clitoral hood

Posterior commisure


Surgical Vaginal Procedures

Extensive Vaginoplasty

With or without Bladder neck


Surgical Vaginal Procedures

Posterior vaginal repair


Effective Non-Surgical Vaginal

Non – Surgical Vaginal Procedures


Vaginal Reconstructive Procedures

Treatment of urinary incontinence

Non – Surgical Intimate Threads

Anterior – Posterior wall Threads

Bladder Neck fixation with threads

Vaginal and perineal support with threads

Gynecology Services

Cervical Diseases

Pre-cancerous cervical lesions

Cervical Dysplasia CIN I, II


Cervical Polyp

Cervical infections/erosions

Uterine Surgeries

Abdominal Myomectomy

Abdominal Total and

Subtotal Hysterectomy

Diagnostic Hysteroscopy

and Polyp Removal

Endometrial Biopsy

Endometrial Hyperplasia

Laparoscopic Total and

Subtotal Hysterectomy

Vaginal Myomectomy

Vulva Surgical


Abdominal Ovarian Cystectomy

Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy

Surgical Treatment of

Ovarian Torsion

Ovarian Cyst Medical


Female Intimacy Dysfunction

Low Drive


Substitution therapy

Holistic Approach and treatments

Orgasmic Disorders

Medication substitution therapy

Holistic Approach

and treatments

Painful Intercourse

Multidisciplinary Holistic approach

Dilator therapy

Mindfulness and Medication

Muscle antispam injections


Delayed Puberty Development

Precocious or Early Puberty Development

HPV Vaccination

Menarche [First Menstrual Cycle] Counselling

Patient Education

Intimacy – related infectious Diseases

[Diagnosis & Treatment]


Irregular menstruation

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome [PCOS]

Premenstrual syndrome/Dysphoric Disorder


Women's Health Screening

Breast Cancer

Annual Breast Exam


Breast Ultrasound

Gynecology annual check-ups

Pap Smear


Vaginal Ultrasound

Infections Screening


Bioidentical Therapy

Bone Densitometry

Annual Blood Screening

Muscle antispam injections

What makes Dr. Mozhgan Sayyad stand out?

Dr Mozghan Sayyad stands out as a Gynecologist surgeon due to a combination of factors:

  • Her vast experience (25 years) in gynecologic surgeries, Aesthetic gynaecology procedures, including labiaplasty /vaginoplasty procedures, has allowed her to hone her skills and provide the best possible care for her patients.
  • Her membership in prestigious international societies like ISSM, ESSM, and ESAG indicates her dedication to staying up-to-date with the latest research and best practices in this field of Gynecology.
  • Her commitment to continuous learning and improvement ensures that she is always equipped with the most up-to-date skills and knowledge in her field.
  • Her passion and purpose of empowering women’s health and encouraging women to talk about their needs by breaking taboos around intimacy.
  • Dr Mozghan’s approach to treating each patient as an individual case truly sets her apart. She takes the time to understand each patient’s unique concerns, preferences, and goals and works collaboratively with them to develop a treatment plan tailored to their specific needs. This level of personalised care , post-op follow-up care and attention ensures that each patient receives the best possible outcomes and feels fully supported throughout their treatment journey.

    Novomed – Jumeirah 1, St. 10c, Villa 41 – behind Jumeirah plaza – Jumeirah 1 – Dubai


    Phone Number: +971 50 184 0126


    WhatsApp: +971 50 184 0126